Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Hour and Hills

As people returned to DC, we had a pretty good week with Team-in-Training.  This past Thursday, a few of us met up with our captains and other runners at Rocket Bar for happy hour.
Brian, Ashwin, Brandon, Jessie,  and myself are part of Scott's team.  This is a picture of Scott  with a few of us.  Lena and Chris are on Captain Sarah's team.

Barry, another captain or coach just sent us an email today about another happy hour.  Under the WHY section he writes To quote a certain teammate of ours: "I like to run and all, but I like beer a lot more!"   I'm wondering if that was referencing one of us....
Saturday we had our 6 mile run.  It was a hilly, cold run along the Custis Trail and WOD Trail in Virginia. While Brandon and Shwin were away (we missed you guys - glad you're back!), Jessie and Chris ran a solid 8 minute pace while Lena, Brian, and I finished with a 9 minute pace.  Brian and I enjoyed the hills while the rest of the group didn't share the exact same sentiments.  Brian also won a fan out of Captain Sarah.....that was a joke.

After the run was the Honored Teammates' Picnic.  With food in our bellies, we listened to the three honored teammates about their battles with various blood cancers and how Team-in-Training has taken value in their lives today.  Here's a photo of one of the honored teammates who sat right next to us and whose two sons are absolutely adorable.  The picnic was great in that it reminded us once again why we're really running this marathon and raising money.  

I'll post a few videos on the next post.  I still haven't figure out how to do it on the same post.  I hope to see many of you at the Inaugural Ball on Saturday that our good friend and my old roommate Joey and Francesca are throwing to celebrate our new President Elect and to help raise money for our cause.  Happy Inauguration Week!

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