Monday, January 26, 2009

Delayed Moment of Inspiration

I missed posting this as our item of inspiration on Saturday when our DC Team in Training group put in 10 miles through Rock Creek Park, a distance that was the farthest most of us have ever run.

It comes from Steve Bell, one of two soccer teammates from Ithaca College that were in town last weekend visiting for the inauguration and attended our Inaugural Ball.

Steve was born with cystic fibrosis, but didn't let it keep him from playing four years as a standout defender with IC soccer or completing the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon last Spring.

Given the physical strains of CF, Steve completing a marathon is more than anything a testament to tremendous personal strength and spirit. While I'm struggling through mile 21, Steve's has battle through far worse will be one thing pushing me forward.

Steve's achievement also showcases the power emerging medical research has to dramatically improve people's livelihood. His story gives me belief that the money we're raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is going toward science that will one day save lives.

If you're inspired by Steve's story, please also take a moment to visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and consider participating in one of its Great Strides fund raising events.

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