"Dreadlocks, let me kiss your lucky egg."
Since those of us that don't have access to a treadmill are going to navigating some snow and ice over the next couple days here in DC, the following is what I'll be channeling:
"Dreadlocks, let me kiss your lucky egg."
After a few weeks back, the "Big Guy" is back! He is instructed by a doctor before the run to maybe spend more time with our good friend, Dan Faigus.
I'm sure all of you can guess where our favorite place is to be besides on the running trail. Here is 6 of us crammed into Chris's car onto our next destination post-run.
Here is Coach Charlie!! He is the DC Team-in-Training coach and has done multiple marathons and one ultra-marathon. He has coached over a thousand runners and is truly awesome. He has finally figured out that our group of 8 is really a group of 7.
Yesterday we did our 10-miler at Rock Creek Park which is a beautiful oasis in the middle of the city. Despite how fast (and they were really fast) Chris, Jessie, and Brandon were, they could not keep up with "Captain America" and "Goggles" who were just superhuman fast - especially "Captain America" aka "USA."
The night before we did a sober night with a few other friends playing Mario Kart and Cranium. My team consisting of Brandon, Jessie, and Chris did not win and I blame it on their lack of knowledge of one of the most famous musical pieces ever in the world. Can you guess what that piece of composition is?
And just to give everyone an idea how early we get up on Saturday mornings, here is a rare footage of a very quiet Adams Morgan.
"At that point, I knew what had happened. I knew my leg was broken pretty badly. And I knew I couldn't get up again. So I started crawling."
I stealthily snuck a videoclip of BLee and Limpo enjoying Bill Withers and Brian expressed how our stomachs feel after a long run.
"Give yourselves the chance to be heroes."
soon after our first run. Now all the videos are updated on the youtube channel and photos are all added onto Flickr. Sorry for going back in time a little - I've been a little busy lately. But hey, better late than never.
Chris and Jessie post-run thoughts. Coming soon...more runner bios from Lena and Ashwin. We will probably never get a bio for Brian up.