Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Inspiration for Running in the Snow

"Dreadlocks, let me kiss your lucky egg."

Since those of us that don't have access to a treadmill are going to navigating some snow and ice over the next couple days here in DC, the following is what I'll be channeling:

Monday, January 26, 2009

Delayed Moment of Inspiration

I missed posting this as our item of inspiration on Saturday when our DC Team in Training group put in 10 miles through Rock Creek Park, a distance that was the farthest most of us have ever run.

It comes from Steve Bell, one of two soccer teammates from Ithaca College that were in town last weekend visiting for the inauguration and attended our Inaugural Ball.

Steve was born with cystic fibrosis, but didn't let it keep him from playing four years as a standout defender with IC soccer or completing the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Marathon last Spring.

Given the physical strains of CF, Steve completing a marathon is more than anything a testament to tremendous personal strength and spirit. While I'm struggling through mile 21, Steve's has battle through far worse will be one thing pushing me forward.

Steve's achievement also showcases the power emerging medical research has to dramatically improve people's livelihood. His story gives me belief that the money we're raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is going toward science that will one day save lives.

If you're inspired by Steve's story, please also take a moment to visit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and consider participating in one of its Great Strides fund raising events.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Big Guy is Back!

After a few weeks back, the "Big Guy" is back!  He is instructed by a doctor before the run to maybe spend more time with our good friend, Dan Faigus.  

In One Word...

After our run, the 6 of us decided to visit a familiar place, Fado, to watch the FA Cup and eat some hearty brunch.  Enjoy the photos and videos during brunch.

6 + Lady GaGa in a Car

I'm sure all of you can guess where our favorite place is to be besides on the running trail.  Here is 6 of us crammed into Chris's car onto our next destination post-run.

Introducing Coach Charlie [HOW-DEE]

Here is Coach Charlie!! He is the DC Team-in-Training coach and has done multiple marathons and one ultra-marathon.  He has coached over a thousand runners and is truly awesome.  He has finally figured out that our group of 8 is really a group of 7.

A Silent Adams Morgan

      Yesterday we did our 10-miler at Rock Creek Park which is a beautiful oasis in the middle of the city.  Despite how fast (and they were really fast) Chris, Jessie, and Brandon were, they could not keep up with "Captain America" and "Goggles" who were just superhuman fast - especially "Captain America" aka "USA."

     The night before we did a sober night with a few other friends playing Mario Kart and Cranium.  My team consisting of Brandon, Jessie, and Chris did not win and I blame it on their lack of knowledge of one of the most famous musical pieces ever in the world.  Can you guess what that piece of composition is?


    And just to give everyone an idea how early we get up on Saturday mornings, here is a rare footage of a very quiet Adams Morgan.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Celebrating Obama, Supporting LLS [Update]

Saturday night some gracious friends (many, many, MANY thanks Joey and Fran) hosted an "Inaugural Ball" with proceeds from the door going to our fund raising efforts for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

The mood was great, there were some seriously impressive dance moves on display late into the evening and the turnout was better than we could have imagined especially on such a chilly night.

The big guy made it:

Everyone was lookin sharp:

We filled the house:

We all want to extend a MASSIVE thank you to everyone that attended and to those that helped make the event such a success. While having a blast with the likeness of newly inducted President Obama looking on, you helped us raise more than $1,300 almost $1,500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in one short evening.

More running updates and inspiration on the way. Until next time, enjoy the video below and as always, if you'd like to donate to our cause fund raising links are on the right side of the page.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Moment of Inspiration for a Frozen Day

"At that point, I knew what had happened. I knew my leg was broken pretty badly. And I knew I couldn't get up again. So I started crawling."

Courtesy of Jessie: the story of a high school runner who broke her leg in multiple places 45 feet from the finish line of the Ohio state cross country championship and still finished the race.

*I couldn't get the video to work, but I imagine it might be kind of brutal. Just a heads up.


What Markwardt saw in the video might not be visible to the rest of us. She saw a teenage girl who, a year earlier, watched the state meet from the stands and made a personal commitment to run in that race in her senior year. She saw a girl who fulfilled that commitment, and then, with a badly broken leg 45 feet from the finish line, had a choice: Finish, or don't finish.
To her, it was a no-brainer.


For the full story.

Lean on Me and I'm Hungry

I stealthily snuck a videoclip of BLee and Limpo enjoying Bill Withers and Brian expressed how our stomachs feel after a long run.

Thoughts after a Very Cold Run

Here is a photo of Brian after the run and video to go along with it.  

Frost Everywhere

Today, January 17, 2009, was our 8 mile run at Fletcher Boat House in Georgetown.  We actually ran into Montgomery County, Maryland on a nice, pretty trail.  According to Weather Underground at 7 am it was 9 degrees and at 10 am it was 14 degrees, not including wind chill.  We started running a little after 8 am till about 9 am.  Literally, I never saw my unfrozen water freeze while running and all our hair turned gray with frost.  It was really cold.  

This morning, the group consisted of Chris, Jessie, Brandon (back from skiing), Brian, and myself.  Lena ran 8.7 miles yesterday on her own and Ashwin is still not back in DC.  However, we missed them both.  Here's a video expressing some love for the "Big Guy."

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Inspiration? We Haz It

Going to try some new strategies to keep myself regularly updating this little guy... So, on any training day for myself (or any of the other contributors if they feel so inclined) I'm going to post a quick little something for inspiration. A quote, a video, or maybe just a picture. Maybe running related but most likely not. Just something that makes us keep going when it starts to hurt.

So for me, with only slight apologies to the Gunners of the group, here is something to start with:

"Give yourselves the chance to be heroes."

What inspires you?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Brief Introduction - Lena

Five things about Lena Feldman:

On joining Team in Training: I always considered running a marathon, but only wanted to do it if I had a great group and some live music to get me through. Although I'm not a huge country music fan, I definitely think it will be a good time!

On training habits: I like training the most in the mornings, but I find it easier training in the afternoons. In my headphones while I run I've got anything that will pump me up: Rihanna, JT, Fergie, Beyonce, Madonna... It just has to be fast-paced and fun!

On running experience: My longest run before this was a 10k. My biggest hurdle to training is my crazy schedule in the spring with classes, working, and internships... yikes!

On goals: Finishing in under five hours. It's my first marathon though, so as long as I cross the finish line, I'll be happy!

On stuffed animals: My favorite: Hyacinth. It's a ballerina hippo.

Lena will be spending much of her little free time figuring out how to beat Brian (see photo above) to the finish line and avoiding sneak attack signs of friendly affection (see photo below).

Monday, January 12, 2009

5K post-run

soon after our first run.  Now all the videos are updated on the youtube channel and photos are all added onto Flickr.   Sorry for going back in time a little - I've been a little busy lately.  But hey, better late than never.

Easy Night

This was taken the Friday night before Christmas/before Week 2 of running.

Schwinta Claus

This was taken the Saturday night before Christmas.

January 10, 2009 - Video C

Chris and Jessie post-run thoughts.  Coming soon...more runner bios from Lena and Ashwin.  We will probably never get a bio for Brian up.

January 10, 2009 - Video B

Lena and Brian post-run thoughts.

January 10, 2009 - Video A

This is Lena before the run.


Happy Hour and Hills

As people returned to DC, we had a pretty good week with Team-in-Training.  This past Thursday, a few of us met up with our captains and other runners at Rocket Bar for happy hour.
Brian, Ashwin, Brandon, Jessie,  and myself are part of Scott's team.  This is a picture of Scott  with a few of us.  Lena and Chris are on Captain Sarah's team.

Barry, another captain or coach just sent us an email today about another happy hour.  Under the WHY section he writes To quote a certain teammate of ours: "I like to run and all, but I like beer a lot more!"   I'm wondering if that was referencing one of us....
Saturday we had our 6 mile run.  It was a hilly, cold run along the Custis Trail and WOD Trail in Virginia. While Brandon and Shwin were away (we missed you guys - glad you're back!), Jessie and Chris ran a solid 8 minute pace while Lena, Brian, and I finished with a 9 minute pace.  Brian and I enjoyed the hills while the rest of the group didn't share the exact same sentiments.  Brian also won a fan out of Captain Sarah.....that was a joke.

After the run was the Honored Teammates' Picnic.  With food in our bellies, we listened to the three honored teammates about their battles with various blood cancers and how Team-in-Training has taken value in their lives today.  Here's a photo of one of the honored teammates who sat right next to us and whose two sons are absolutely adorable.  The picnic was great in that it reminded us once again why we're really running this marathon and raising money.  

I'll post a few videos on the next post.  I still haven't figure out how to do it on the same post.  I hope to see many of you at the Inaugural Ball on Saturday that our good friend and my old roommate Joey and Francesca are throwing to celebrate our new President Elect and to help raise money for our cause.  Happy Inauguration Week!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009

Here was my attempt to partake in some filming action this morning. Till next time~

Happy New Year - Helllooooo 2009!!

Hello Friends and Supporters,
     This is my first blogpost ever in life but here I go.  First of all, Happy New Year!  I think my number one resolution for the new year is to succeed in this marathon.  I was the lone ranger who met up with the Team-in-Training crew at the mall today.  Coach Charlie, Captain Scott, and others missed the "Group of 8 (that's really 7)" but I assured them everyone would be back next week.  Brian and Lena are in sunny Florida, Brandon is skiing in Montana/ Wyoming/ somewhere around there, Chris is in frigid Boston, and Jessie is down in Atlanta.  That left me and Ashwin in DC but Ashwin decided to run in the afternoon today.  So, I recruited my friend Erin to run with me this morning and it was actually my favorite run thus far.   Here's a quick pic of a Erin who is a great example of one of our many friends who are supporting us wholeheartedly.

The weather was a little chilly but perfect to run in, the city was sunny and beautiful, and running along the mall passing  the museums, monuments, reflection pool - it is truly breathtaking.  As a pretty longtime DC resident, you take the city for granted today but running today without tourists and school groups everywhere made it really enjoyable.  

Erin was also an awesome friend by proposing brilliantly to play the geography game while running.  I was impressed at how many places we named that began with the letter 'A.'  

I'm looking forward in having everyone back from holiday and upping the miles starting next week.  Thank you everyone for the support so far! xx.