Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and New Shoes

First of all, happy holidays to all - hope everyone has spent at least one relaxing day with family or friends. We have embarked on a tough stretch for our team, a lot of people have left the DC area to visit family and take a vacation, thus truly putting the onus on us (is that even possible to say, "onus on us") to make our runs and be responsible. Many of us were really excited to put on our new shoes and find out if our investments would pan out in our favor...

It's probably too early to tell, but I followed up my best run of the season (from Saturday) with a very disappointing run. Shin splints ruined mile 2 to a walking pace, though I somehow finished the last mile running pretty well, I was not happy with my effort despite the ability to brave the New England weather for a nice run. My knees are bothering me, I've probably eaten too many of mom's cookies in the past two days, but I'm hoping that the next run will work out better. All in all, I hope the rest of my team has fared better, been responsible and are enjoying their vacations.

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