I didn't heed this fairly obvious maxim and stubbornly battled through some longer runs with pain in my knee. After finally caving and visiting the doc, I found myself prescribed some arthritis medicine and 2 weeks away from running (with some skiing thrown in the mix, shhhh...)
After several months of training, almost everyone has suffered through a few aches and pains. I know Brandon was feeling a little banged up this past week. But this was the first time in a long athletic career where I'd been told to actually sit still for any period of time, where rest alone was the best antidote so I did my best to adhere.
So I put away two weeks on the sidelines and with just a pair of short test jogs during the week headed out to Reston for our 18 mile session on the W&OD trail. Wah la! With only a little dull pain in place of the sharpness I was feeling before the miles passed fairly easily until a wall hit between 15 and 17.
In the end, Brandon and I both finished everything pretty strongly although we'll be hoping our pace picks up a little bit in the weeks to come. Crystal and Jessie cleaned up their last group run before the National Marathon in couple days(!) with a now leisurely 6 miles. The rest of the crew put their miles in on their own this past weekend and from what I've heard all is moving along well.
So, back in good health I'm excited to be out on the move again with TNT and am looking forward to competing in the Shamrock Half Marathon this weekend in the company of my roommates.
I hope that everyone will be able to make it out and support Crystal, Jessie and the rest of the TNT crew this coming Saturday morning in DC for the National Marathon. You can take a peek at the course below and scout out your favorite breakfast spot (or AM pub???) to stake out and then look for the green visors as they make their way around the city and give them your loudest support!

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