Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I want to express a massive congratulations to Crystal and Jessie (and all the Team in Training runners!) for their finishing the Suntrust National Marathon on Saturday morning in DC.

I spent some time watching the chilly, early miles around Dupont Circle where the pack was especially crowded before wandering over to the runners' second lap down Constitution Ave where the bunches had thinned out. There I joined some fellow TNT members at mile 17 handing out water, Powerade and as much encouragement as possible to lift everyone going into the later stages of the race.

It was inspiring to see how strong most people looked - I even saw a few smiles - so far into their run, and great to see groups of TNT runners together with Jessie, Barry and Trish going by in a pack and Crystal joined by Ashwin, Brian and Lena, who were getting in some training.

By the time I made it over to the finish at RFK, Mayor Fenty was just finishing up (at 3:25!). Watching runner after runner come across the line in exhausted joy only made me want my own race to arrive sooner.

While a few of our group are now finished their TNT event, the rest of us continue to train for Nashville in about a month. We're putting in a shorter run this weekend before ratcheting up to 20 miles next week.

Lastly, if you have a moment, please leave a note congratulating Crystal and Jessie on an awesome accomplishment, and we'll hopefully hear from them personally when they've overcome exhaustion and soreness!

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