Our first run as a group divided (Crystal and Jessie putting in 16 miles for the National Marathon) and the rest of us dropping back down to 10 miles for a couple laps around the National Mall on a beautiful, sunny morning.
After 14 miles on a winding trail through suburbia last week, the jog around DC was a welcome change. Each trip up and down the Mall, from the base of the Capitol up to the Lincoln Memorial, accounted for just about 4 miles. Most of us agreed that knowing distance wise where we were at in our run made a world of difference mentally.
This is not as bad as it looks. We were all in good spirits and feeling great afterwards. Even the girls that battled through 16 miles!
Luckily no one's heart exploded from having too much Advil before the run as our pre-run training talk warned us might happen. Unless a couple of us are biological exceptions, the warning may have been a bit of an exaggeration. The only side effects appeared to be from excess consumption of energy gel, which are known to contain OMG energy.
After resting up this afternoon we're looking forward to a great night at Cowboy Cafe in Arlington where our group will be hosting a fundraising event. Come on out and get your party on with some live music and drink/food specials while supporting a great cause. We look forward to seeing everyone out there!
OMG...There is so much energy in this gel!
"Do the Gu"
can you gu overload?
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