Summer days have come and, seemingly, gone. Somewhere between work and (a lot of) play I managed to disappear from the blog-o-sphere...The great news is that I have so much to tell you!!
Training has been going really really well, and I'm shaking in my boots thinking about running a full 26.2 miles in a month and a half! Proudly I can say that I've put away several double digit mileage runs. Including my fiercest, most determined run yet: 16 miles. Here's the scoop.
In planning my trip up to visit Joey in New York the last weekend in August, I decided that I would leave after our 16 mile run here in DC. I didn't want to risk planning that kind of run on my own, for fear I would either 1) not do it, or 2) have to do it alone. I booked my train tickets about a month in advance. My calculations led me to believe that if I started my run at 7 am, I would certainly have time to catch an 11:25 am train. Let's just say I was either feeling really optimistic that day in July, or my arithmetic was way out of line. In talking to my peers about my goal to finish the run in under 3 hours, it occured to me that there was no way I was making my train that morning at the pace that I usually run. I had to make moves.
On the day of the run, I took all necessary precautions. I drove my car to the run that day. I wore my pretty silver watch that morning to keep track of time. If I wanted to finish this run and make it to my train in time I had to run about 2 mins/mile faster than usual. Ideally I would also shower at some point. As my mentor Paul said, not so much for Joey's sake, but "for the sake of the people on the train" with me.
I patiently waited through 15 minutes of announcements that morning, silently begging the coaches to just let us go already! Finally, we were off. There was no way I could run all 16 miles by myself, so I stuck with my running pals for the first 6. Once we hit our second water stop I looked down at my watch and realized I had an two hours to finish the last 10 miles (water stops included). I had to BOOK IT.
So I did. I just started running. Like, real running. Not jogging. Not yogging. But running, as fast as my two legs would let me. Minimal stops. Blueberry Pomegranate GU Chomps and salt in my water kept me going. My entire wrist was stained dark black from my watch, which I learned the hard way is not sweat-proof. My legs were getting tired, but all I could think about was how I had to catch that train. My tickets were NOT refundable. Running alone didn't seem to matter anymore because my mind was racing. Before I knew it, 2 hours and 45 minutes later, I had put away 16 miles behind me and now I was running to my car.
I rushed home, got that shower I desperately needed, and my father drove me to the station with about 10 minutes to spare. I couldn't believe what I had just accomplished. In retrospect, it was awesome to know that I could do something like that if I put my mind to it.
The only let-down that day was that the McDonald's at the station wouldn't serve me breakfast (even though the menus were up!). I settled for two orders of Large Fries and a bag of Cheeze-Its.
So I did. I just started running. Like, real running. Not jogging. Not yogging. But running, as fast as my two legs would let me. Minimal stops. Blueberry Pomegranate GU Chomps and salt in my water kept me going. My entire wrist was stained dark black from my watch, which I learned the hard way is not sweat-proof. My legs were getting tired, but all I could think about was how I had to catch that train. My tickets were NOT refundable. Running alone didn't seem to matter anymore because my mind was racing. Before I knew it, 2 hours and 45 minutes later, I had put away 16 miles behind me and now I was running to my car.
I rushed home, got that shower I desperately needed, and my father drove me to the station with about 10 minutes to spare. I couldn't believe what I had just accomplished. In retrospect, it was awesome to know that I could do something like that if I put my mind to it.
The only let-down that day was that the McDonald's at the station wouldn't serve me breakfast (even though the menus were up!). I settled for two orders of Large Fries and a bag of Cheeze-Its.

44 days until MCM!! Time is flying by, Donate today!!
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