Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Taper

Just a short update:

After countless frigid Saturday mornings, afternoons on the treadmill and dimly lit evening runs building a distance base, we're on our cool down leading up to the main event in about a week and a half.

The training we've all put in has been invaluable, leaving us experience dealing with chilly temperatures, battling blowing winds (in our 20 miler ten days ago) and fighting up and down hills on the W&OD trail, which I'm pretty sure I've seen about enough of. All the captains and coaches with Team in Training have done a massive job setting us on paths to success.

The remaining training almost seems like cheating with such comparably short distances. Still, I know my worn down body appreciates the brief lull to get fully geared up for Nashville on the 25th. Only 11 days away!

This Saturday we'll all join up for our last group run, a short jaunt compared to the last few weekends, of the spring TNT season before the first of the group heads to Tennessee on Thursday morning. We'll continue updating with thoughts from everyone as race day approaches.

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